NFT Primary Sales with Collection
NFT tokens that are minted or sold from the collection to the first owner during the mint phase. These are not emitted in the order as they happen on-chain. To receive the events as they happen on-chain, use NftPrimarySaleWithoutCollection.
Data source: NftPrimarySaleWithCollection
Name | DataType | Description |
blockId | number | Numeric identifier of a block describing the slot that the block was produced in. |
blockTime | number | Unix epoch time (in seconds) of a block as calculated from validator votes. |
transactionId | string | First signature in a transaction, which can be used to uniquely identify the transaction across the whole ledger. |
transactionPosition | number | Zero-indexed position of the transaction within the block. |
instructionOrdinal | number | The zero-indexed position of an instruction - subinstruction combination in the context of the transaction. This is generated by flattening all instruction/subinstruction/sub-subinstruction/... and numbering them from 0. |
programId | string | The account containing the program that performed the primary sale. |
instructionName | string | The name of the program instruction that was invoked. |
mint | string | Mint address per the SPL token program. |
helloMoonCollectionId | string | The Hello Moon specific collection id. Use to find the helloMoonCollectionId. |
collectionName | string | The name of the collection. You must enter the exact collectionName or helloMoonCollectionId. Visit to find the correct name or id. |
payerAccount | string | The account that paid for the NFT. |
sellerAccount | string | The account that received the payment. |
price | number | The price for the NFT in lamports. |
isSmartMinter | boolean | Hello Moon's proprietary labeling of NFT investors. isSmartMinter references either payerAccount sellerAccount if isSmartMinter is true, it means the account has a track record for making successful investments. check out to learn more about Smart Minting. |
Updated about 2 years ago