NFT Collection Listing Stats (Floor Price)

Listing stats for the NFT collection. This is at the collection level. Each collection is emitted at most once per block. If a block contains multiple instruction that modify the stats for a collection, this describes the last instruction.

Data source: NftCollectionListingStats

blockIdnumberNumeric identifier of a block describing the slot that the block was produced in.
blockTimenumberUnix epoch time (in seconds) of a block as calculated from validator votes.
transactionIdstringFirst signature in a transaction, which can be used to uniquely identify the transaction across the whole ledger.
transactionPositionnumberZero-indexed position of the transaction within the block.
instructionOrdinalnumberThe zero-indexed position of an instruction - subinstruction combination in the context of the transaction. This is generated by flattening all instruction/subinstruction/sub-subinstruction/... and numbering them from 0.
helloMoonCollectionIdstringThe Hello Moon specific collection id. You must enter the exact collectionName or helloMoonCollectionId. Visit to find the correct name or id.
collectionNamestringThe name of the collection. You must enter the exact collectionName or helloMoonCollectionId. Visit to find the correct name or id.
floorPricenumberThe floor price for the NFT in Lamports. You can convert this value to sol if needed.
numListingsnumberThe number of active listings.