Frakt NFT Loan Events

All NFT loan events for Frakt protocol.

Data source: FraktEvent

blockIdnumberNumeric identifier of a block describing the slot that the block was produced in.
blockTimenumberUnix epoch time (in seconds) of a block as calculated from validator votes.
transactionIdstringFirst signature in a transaction, which can be used to uniquely identify the transaction across the whole ledger.
transactionPositionnumberZero-indexed position of the transaction within the block.
instructionOrdinalnumberThe zero-indexed position of an instruction - subinstruction combination in the context of the transaction. This is generated by flattening all instruction/subinstruction/sub-subinstruction/... and numbering them from 0.
eventTypestringThe event type of the Sharky protocol action performed. High level, there are 4 types of events: LENDER related, COLLECTION_INFO related, LOAN/RAFFLE related and ADMIN related.

LENDER related events are

COLLECTION_INFO related events are

LOAN/RAFFLE related events are

ADMIN related events are

programIdstringThe account id containing the program.
instructionNamestringThe name of the program instruction that was invoked.
lender.adminPaymentAmountnumberThe adminPaymentAmount for the lender.
lender.lenderstringThe lender account for the lender.
lender.liquidityPoolstringThe liquidityPool account for the lender.
lender.liquidityOwnerstringThe liquidityOwner account for the lender.
lender.lenderWithdrawAmountnumberThe lenderWithdrawAmount for the lender.
lender.depositAmountnumberThe depositAmount for the lender.
lender.depositAccountstringThe depositAccount for the lender.
lender.withdrawAmountnumberThe withdrawAmount for the lender.
lender.withdrawAccountstringThe withdrawAccount for the lender.
lender.adminstringThe admin account for the lender.
lender.depositBumpnumberThe depositBump for the lender.
lender.baseBorrowRatenumberThe baseBorrowRate for the lender.
lender.variableSlope1numberThe variableSlope1 for the lender.
lender.variableSlope2numberThe variableSlope2 for the lender.
lender.utilizationRateOptimalnumberThe utilizationRateOptimal for the lender.
lender.reserveFactornumberThe reserveFactor for the lender.
lender.borrowCommissionnumberThe borrowCommission for the lender.
lender.depositCommissionnumberThe depositCommission for the lender.
collectionInfo.creatorstringThe creator account for the collection info.
collectionInfo.pricingLookupstringThe pricingLookup for the collection info.
collectionInfo.liquidityPoolstringThe liquidityPool for the collection info.
collectionInfo.collectionInfoAccountstringThe collectionInfoAccount for the collection info.
collectionInfo.royaltyAccountstringThe royaltyAccount for the collection info.
collectionInfo.adminstringThe admin account for the collection info.
collectionInfo.loanToValuenumberThe loanToValue for the collection info.
collectionInfo.collaterizationRatenumberThe collaterizationRate for the collection info.
collectionInfo.royaltyFeeTimenumberThe royaltyFeeTime for the collection info.
collectionInfo.royaltyFeePricenumberThe royaltyFeePrice for the collection info.
collectionInfo.expirationTimenumberThe expirationTime for the collection info.
loan.adminPaymentAmountnumberThe adminPaymentAmount for the loan.
loan.liquidityPoolstringThe liquidityPool for the loan.
loan.liquidityOwnerstringThe liquidityOwner for the loan.
loan.collectionInfoAccountstringThe collectionInfoAccount for the loan.
loan.communityPoolsAuthoritystringThe communityPoolsAuthority for the loan.
loan.loanstringThe loan account for the loan.
loan.borrowerstringThe borrower account for the loan.
loan.nftstringThe NFT mint for the loan.
loan.borrowerNftTokenAccountstringThe borrowerNftTokenAccount for the loan.
loan.vaultNftTokenAccountstringThe vaultNftTokenAccount for the loan.
loan.adminNftTokenAccountstringThe adminNftTokenAccount for the loan.
loan.originalPriceFromBorrowernumberThe originalPriceFromBorrower for the loan.
loan.loanToValuenumberThe loanToValue for the loan.
loan.adminRefundAmountnumberThe adminRefundAmount for the loan.
loan.nftPricenumberThe nftPrice for the loan.
loan.discountnumberThe discount for the loan.
loan.loanAmountnumberThe loanAmount for the loan.
loan.royaltyAccountstringThe royaltyAccount for the loan.
loan.royaltyPaymentAmountnumberThe royaltyPaymentAmount for the loan.
loan.paybackAmountnumberThe paybackAmount for the loan.
loan.gracePeriodnumberThe gracePeriod for the loan.
loan.liquidationLotstringThe liquidationLot for the loan.
loan.adminstringThe admin account for the loan.
loan.amountToLiqOwnernumberThe amountToLiqOwner for the loan.
loan.nftAmountnumberThe nftAmount for the loan.
loan.liquidatorstringThe liquidator for the loan.
loan.nftMetadatastringThe nftMetadata for the loan.
loan.tokenRecordInfostringThe tokenRecordInfo for the loan.
loan.destTokenRecordstringThe destTokenRecord for the loan.
loan.ownerTokenRecordstringThe ownerTokenRecord for the loan.
loan.lotTicketstringThe lotTicket for the loan.
loan.nftAttemptsstringThe nftAttempts for the loan.
loan.nftLiquidationAmountnumberThe nftLiquidationAmount for the loan.
loan.attemptsNftMintstringThe attemptsNftMint for the loan.
loan.nftAttemptsBumpnumberThe nftAttemptsBump for the loan.
loan.lotTicketIsWinningstringThe lotTicketIsWinning for the loan.
loan.liquidatorNftTokenAccountstringThe liquidatorNftTokenAccount for the loan.
admin.liquidityPoolstringThe liquidityPool for the admin event.
admin.liquidityOwnerstringThe liquidityOwner for the admin event.
admin.adminstringThe admin account for the admin event.
admin.depositAmountnumberThe depositAmount for the admin event.
admin.withdrawAmountnumberThe withdrawAmount for the admin event.