Get Your API Key šŸš€


Our API has open CORs, which means you can start making requests from your dApps and Webapps without any additional configuration!

All you need to get your free Hello Moon API Key is a Solana wallet and browser extension for this product.


  1. Click on the "Log In" button in the top right of the page circled in the image.
  2. You should be redirected to a page that looks like this. Click the "connect wallet" button.
  3. Once you click "connect wallet" you'll be prompted to sign a message using your wallet. NOTE: this is not asking you to sign a transaction and will affect nothing on chain. This is just asking you to sign a message to verify that you own the public key associated with your wallet.

  1. Once signed you should be redirected to our ReadMe! You can check if it worked by visiting any of our api endpoints documentation and seeing you key next to "Bearer" circled in the image below


If you're developing a web application in Javascript or Typescript, use our SDK to cut down on boilerplate:

npm install --save @hellomoon/api@latest