Sharky Events
All events for Sharky protocol.
Data source: SharkyEvent
Name | DataType | Description |
blockId | number | Numeric identifier of a block describing the slot that the block was produced in. |
blockTime | number | Unix epoch time (in seconds) of a block as calculated from validator votes. |
transactionId | string | First signature in a transaction, which can be used to uniquely identify the transaction across the whole ledger. |
transactionPosition | number | Zero-indexed position of the transaction within the block. |
instructionOrdinal | number | The zero-indexed position of an instruction - subinstruction combination in the context of the transaction. This is generated by flattening all instruction/subinstruction/sub-subinstruction/... and numbering them from 0. |
eventType | string | The event type of the Sharky protocol action performed. High level, there are 3 types of events: NftList related, OrderBook related and Loan related. NftList related events are CreateNftList UpdateNftList CloseNftList OrderBook related events are CreateOrderBook UpdateOrderBook CloseOrderBook Loan related events are OfferLoan RescindLoan TakeLoan RepayLoan ForecloseLoan ForecloseLoanEscrow RepayLoanEscrow TransferAndFreezeCollateral |
floorPrice (SOL) | number | The floor price in Lamports for the NFT collection associated with the event at the time of action happened. You can convert this value to SOL if needed. |
nftList.nftList | string | The account for the NftList. Might be populated for NftList related events only. |
nftList.payer | string | The payer account for the NftList. Might be populated for NftList related events only. |
nftList.collectionName | string | The NFT collection name for the NftList. Might be populated for NftList related events only. |
orderBook.orderBook | string | The account for the OrderBook. Might be populated for OrderBoork related events only. |
orderBook.payer | string | The pay account for the OrderBook. Might be populated for OrderBoork related events only. |
orderBook.nftList | string | The nftList account for the OrderBook. Might be populated for OrderBoork related events only. |
orderBook.apy | number | The APY for the OrderBook. Might be populated for OrderBoork related events only. |
orderBook.loanDuration | number | The loan duration for the OrderBook. Might be populated for OrderBoork related events only. |
orderBook.feePermillicentage | number | The permillicentage of the OrderBook for the fee. Might be populated for OrderBoork related events only. |
orderBook.orderBookFeeAuthority | string | The fee authority account for the OrderBook. Might be populated for OrderBoork related events only. |
loan.lender | string | The lender account for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.lenderValueTokenAccount | string | The lender tokenaccount for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.borrower | string | The borrower account for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.borrowerValueTokenAccount | string | The borrower tokenaccount for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.borrowerCollateralAccount | string | The borrower's collateral account for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.valueMint | string | The token mint in the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.collateralMint | string | The collateral mint in the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. | | string | The loan account for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.escrow | string | The escrow account for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.escrowTokenAccount | string | The escrow tokenaccount for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.escrowCollateralTokenAccount | string | The escrow collateral tokenaccount for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.orderBook | string | The orderbook account for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.nftList | string | The nftList account for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.principalLamports | number | The principal in lamports for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.loanDuration | number | The loan duration for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.amount | number | The amount for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.nftListIndex | number | The index of the NFT in NftList for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.lenderWallet | string | The lender wallet for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.offerTime | number | The offer time for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.valueTokenMint | string | The value token mint in the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.feeTokenAccount | string | The fee tokenaccount for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.feeAuthority | string | The fee authority for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.feeAmount | number | The fee amount for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.fundee | string | The fundee account for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.lenderCollateralAccount | string | The lender's collateral account for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
loan.collector | string | The collector account for the loan. Might be populated for Loan related events only. |
Updated almost 2 years ago