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commitment level on websockets

whats the commitment level on the websockets?
can we pick processed for example

Identify wallets that have connected to my site that utilised a rpc via hellomoon

Is it possible to pull a list of wallets that have connected to my site via the hello moon RPC?

LP Balance don't pool date from Raydium?

I noticed that pulling LP Balance does not work for pools on Raydium, for instance, this pool 69grLw4PcSypZnn3xpsozCJFT8vs8WA5817VUVnzNGTh returns data: [], but if you query by Mint ID, you get LPs from Orca, and none from Raydium or any other market. Why is that?

RPC req / second

Hello! I was not able to find specific details if Hello Moon has a limit on RPC requests per second.

Missing public API docs

In an example: https://docs.hellomoon.io/reference/post_v0-hello-moon-verified-collections
After installing: yarn add @hellomoon/api@latest
I try to import: import {
} from '@hellomoon/api';


Is there any way we can get traits of listed nfts in a collection id?

Possible to get list of all helloMoonCollectionId?


Candle stick data sometimes is not updated frequently


Websockets stale connections

Currently there is no way to find when a connection is stale or to keep it alive with a ping-pong message type.
This leads to inconsistent data and the need to close & reopen the connection & ressubing


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